Today I woul
d like to introduce my new daughter to you! Her name is Catherine Asele and she is 1 year and 3 months old. She has been living in Amecet for the past year. Her parents have died of AIDS and also Catherine is HIV+ and is using the ARV medicines.

I have been writing about Catherine on earlier blogs: March 3, June 8, July 15, Aug. 12, 16 and 22. When the grandfather brought her to Amecet for help, Sept.2010, Catherine was very weak and sickly, she also has a problem with one of her feet and we got special little shoes for her. But the ARV's helped her and she became stronger, but still she is a vulnerable little girl, when she gets sick, she can be very sick! Our plan was to give her back to the family, the grandfather had promised to take her back when she would be stronger, so in July 2011, we gave her back to the family. By that time I really had grown fond of her, but I do believe that the child is the best between her own people. But it didn't go well in the village, Catherine didn't get her medicines in time, and at times she was over dosed. She lost weight, was very lethargic and sickly. The family also didn't know what to do, they told us that they couldn't do it, so at a home visit in her village (after 5 weeks at home) we got her back in Amecet. I have been praying and thinking and I felt I should open our little family for Catherine. Sarah and Helen were very excited, they love her so much. For me it is quite an adjustment, to have a baby in the house, next to my fulltime work in Amecet. The good thing is that my little house is in the same compound as Amecet, that helps a lot. This week we have been back to the village with Simon and the Probation officer (children protection unit) and we have talked with the family, they wrote a statement that they can't care for Catherine and that they give her over to me for foster care and later adoption. So now the paperwork is almost finished and I will get a court order for her. And we are starting a new life as a family or four!

Gefeliciteerd Els, Sarah en Helen, met de komst van Catherine in jullie familie. Toen je de laatste keer vertelde over Catherine op je blog, over hoe het ging met haar familie, en dat ze weer terug was, schoot het al door m'n hoofd, je kon lezen dat ze een speciaal plekje in jullie hart heeft, en nu lees ik dat je haar geadopteerd hebt. May God bless you all!