There are always new things happening in Amecet!
Often so much that it is difficult to keep up with the blog at times.
Right now
we have our 3rd set of twins! Apio Mary and Achen Betty came on
Tuesday. Both weigh a little over 2kilos and lost their mother while giving
birth to them.
Then just today (Sunday) Simon Peter arrived. He also weighs only around 1.5kilos. Both are being fed by NG tube and being kept in the medical room. We ask that you join us in praying for both of these little guys. That they would tolerate the milk and that all their bodily functions would be working properly! They are both quite susceptible at this point of their little lives.
We have also seen the return of Tom and
Lazarus. Both have been here before. Please be praying for both of these little
guys as well. That they would both continue to gain weight and be healthy. It’s
wonderful to see them smiling and laughing once again.
As we are
saying hello and welcoming all of the above children, we are about to say a
bitter/sweet goodbye to someone very special. Many of you know Michaels’ story.
He is an amazing little boy who has a smile that lights the whole room up. We
have prayed for quite some time now that God would bring an equally special
family along for him. And now Our Faithful Father has done so! Michaels’ God
given mother will come to get him around the 29th. They will leave
for Kampala where they will stay a couple weeks to get his passport and visa.
Please be praying for this transition for all who are involved. There will be
many new things Michael will be experiencing for the first time. Although we
love Michael very much and a bit sad to see him leave, we are equally excited.
His opportunities will be endless! We know that God’s hand has been orchestrating
this from the very time Michael was brought here. We will keep you posted with
Michaels’ situation!