Six beautiful little baby boys on a row.... they have a lot in common, they all came in Amecet as a new born baby, they all miss their mother, and we try to care for them and to give them love and cuddles. I will start from the left, that is the oldest of the six.
Robbert: he is 6 weeks old, he was born at home in the village (at night) everything went well, but then the mother started to bleed and she passed away.
Moses: he is 2 weeks and 4 days old. Moses was born and laid in a pig house, covered with plastic bags. Nobody knows who or where is mother is. (read the blog from 14th of March).
George: he is 2 weeks old. George was also born at night, at home and the bleeding didn't stop, the mother died shortly after the birth.
William: 1 week and 5 days old. William was born in an health care centre, but there was also too much bleeding, the mother was referred to Soroti Hospital, there they tried, but they couldn't stop the bleeding, the mother passed away. (read the blog from 19th of march).
Vincent: he is 6 days old. Vincent is born in Soroti Hospital. His mother was operated (Cesarean), after that she became sick and she died some hours later.
Joshua: he is only 3 days old. The mother died after giving birth because the placenta didn't come out. Six beautiful little boys, when I see them laying there, I feel so sad, they will all miss their mother to care for them. We do our best, but it is not the same. I pray that there will be an auntie or a grandmother who will open her heart and will take them in. As of now, we are a bit worried about William, who needed already blood transfusion and is still not doing so well. Moses cries a lot, he also much smaller then the other as you can see on the picture. The rest is doing well and drinks good. And they all can cry loud!!!!!!!!!!