I just got a phone call from the village with the news that Patrick had passed away this afternoon. I was so shocked, Patrick went home on May 2, he was not even 3 weeks home!!! The man, who called said that it was malaria, I asked if they went for treatment, he answered, they tried... so that might mean: no they didn't! I feel so sad about it, of course I asked myself now, did we let him go too early? Patrick has been with us for almost 4 months, he was small, but he had gained and was healthy. Did the family not want him? I feel for this little man, not loved by his family, I remember that the going home did not went so smoothly. At least he was loved in his time with us, he was cuddled, fed and cared for. I know he is in safe Hands now, but I feel angry, sad and I have so many questions. I guess I have to give it a place somehow.

Than the next sad news today: baby Steven, (on the picture above) he is 5 weeks old and his mother died after giving birth, the story is that also his father died in Nov. in a car accident. We were a bit worried about him, because he cries so much and is so tense. Today, Meri took him to the doctor, she didn't trust his eye sight. And she came back with the sad news that Steven might be blind and deaf. He doesn't react on the normal way. He is only 5 weeks old, so the doctor told us to come back in one month. Steven is a beautiful baby, I can't believe that this is true, but yes, he does react different than the others. Maybe that is the cause of his crying, blind and deaf, you live all alone in your own world, only touch can give somehow contact. We had to wipe away some tears, who would care for this little baby without any parents?? But we still have hope, maybe we are wrong, we pray and observe, we care and we cuddle. Steven must feel that he is loved!
Sometimes you feel so helpless, you can do so little and the children are suffering, I tell you a story about what happened on Saturday, it is also a sad one.. The probation officer and the police came by in Amecet to ask if we could help. There were 3 children staying at the police office, there were a lot of problems and they wanted to bring them home in their village. Simon went with them, to help them drive there. The father of the children died in December and after that their mother went crazy. She didn't want to see her children and was mostly away from home. Then the uncles took all the belongings of the family, the cows, goats, the money on the bank, the mattresses and even the household things. The children were sent to Soroti to stay with an aunt. The aunt was not happy with that and the children were not cared for. The oldest girl of 14, went into prostitution and even the second girl from 11 years went with guys, because they were so hungry! There are two more children ( 8 and 4 years old). When they reached the village, the police and the probation officer talked with the family and the local authorities. It was clear that they could not stay there and after all the talks, they brought them back to the aunt. Talked with her and there is a police case now for the family. Who will talk for the children?? Who will fight for righteousness for those innocent children? It makes me sometimes so helpless, so inadequate. There is so much suffering.
Sorry, this blog is a bit sad, but I can't help it, that is how I feel at the moment. We do have many happy moments, but there are also days like today. And we don't give up, we have a good cry and then we go on!!