Amecet n'ainapakin (Shelter of Peace) is a ministry of Youth With A Mission (YWAM)in Soroti, Uganda. We are reaching out to HIV infected and affected children. We also are caring for new born babies, who lost their mother after the delivery. The third group of children we help, are children who need a safe place, they mostly come via the police. In this blog we want to share with you our stories, our pictures, our needs and blessings!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Amun week 2014 Day 4


 Julius spoke about making decisions in the morning. Andrew translated him, we want to make sure that everybody can understand it well, so we do translate everything from English into Atesso. How do you make decisions, what do you do if you make wrong decisions? What can help you to make the right decisions? That are difficult questions, we all have to deal with them.
After the tea break  we watched a movie about some youth who made wrong decisions, a school girl got pregnant and had to stop her studies, it was an African film, so it was very close to the children. We went into the smaller groups after wards and there was a lot of sharing and talking. we even went back into the groups after lunch. A lot of questions came, about their HIV+ status and how to deal with that when you get into relationships with the opposite sex.

It was good after all that talking, to play and have fun. It is so nice to see them all enjoying themselves together. Different ages play together, others are sitting and chatting. Tomorrow another day.....

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