It was a busy day, so many things are behind schedule: But the most important thing is done: the picking of the 35 children from the different villages. Elias and Simon have been driving to the different locations. We had organised it before that the children would come to certain places in their area. Ofcourse, some of them were not there in time and that delayed the rest as well. So I got several phone calls, that they were afraid we had missed them, but they all arrived!
I had the last meeting with the committees this afternoon, which also delayed, so I came home after they had finished eating. I came in and they started to clap!!! I was really touched, to see all those beautiful children who all had benefitted from the ministry of Amecet. I am so thankful to God, to help us and to enable us helping those children. There were children from 2001 and 2002, there was a boy, Richard, he didn´t believe that the picture of him, hanging on our wall, was him! And Abraham was there and David from Asamuk, Simon from Amuria, Evaline and Veronika from Katakwi, little Sarah (who is not little anymore) from Otoboi and Naome from Orungo and many more!!!

And tomorrow is the big day, the playground is not finished yet, I was really disappointed, but we can´t do anything about it.
We will see what will happen, for now... I am going to bed!!!!!
Hoi Els, lijkt me echt heel bijzonder om al die kinderen weer terug te zien. Alle leuke en minder leuke gebeurtenissen van de afgelopen 10 jaren zullen dan wel door je hoofd heen vliegen. Heel veel plezier met het grote feest, klinkt allemaal super! Groetjes, Marjet