On Saturday evening, we had our "Christmas Night service". Together with the bigger children we celebrated on our veranda the gift that God gave us, the birth of Jesus! We sang together and we also acted out the Christmas story,. On the first picture you can see Mary travelling on a donkey (me) to Bethelehem.
And here are the shepherds with their flocks, at the right, you can see a part of the angel, standing on a chair, telling the shepherds that Baby Jesus is born. We had a good time together, closing off with some snacks and ofcourse....soda's!!
The Christmas day was for cooking the meal and...... we got another view on our 10 years anniversary... the sewage system was blocked and after trying and trying (by Elias, Simon and me) we discovered that our septic tank was full.

In Uganda they don't know second Christmas day or boxing day. So our next day was working on our blockage. Simon and Elias worked the whole day on ways to get the excess water out of the overflow pit. Most of this water comes from our washing machine. It was a big job, but they succeeded!
And today, is a "normal"day again, except that we got the change of the staff. The staff who went home for Christmas came back today and the ones who had worked, went home today, to celebrate New Year with their relatives.
We are doing well, not much sickness, only two children got malaria, but are already on treatment. We are now looking forward to the new year that is on it's way!
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