In the blog of June 15 I write about a little boy that was found on the road and we gave him the name Levi. I did some follow up and I heard that the mother was found but, the police lady said over the phone, she is a bit mentally disturbed. We were planning to go to Serere with Amos (read the blog of May 29). So we wanted to combine it, our house is so full and this baby belongs to his mother! So we went and we had arrange to meet the mother at the police post. When we met the lady I understood what the police lady had said. The mother had no interest in her child. We tried to involve her, but no interest had all. We were even scared she would drop the baby. So that would not work at all. In agreement with the police we decided to take Levi back to Amecet. We have to find a family for him.
So we went on with our trip. we were going to find the family of Amos (read the blog of May 39) We didn't know how or where, we only had some names. At the police station, someone knew the family, so he came along with us, we had also the police officer for gender and family issues from Soroti with us, when we came closer to the home, we stopped again to ask and we picked the Local counsellor from the area. the car became full!
Amos was looking and looking and suddenly he started to smile, he recognised the road (path).This was the road (path) we had to close our car windows, otherwise we would have been beaten by the branches. Then it started to rain... it was more a down pour.Simon is a very good driver, but you could feel the car slipping.
But we found the home!!!!

We went back to Amecet, with Levi.
Our three premature baby's are doing fair. Evalyn the first baby we got, is doing very well. Eunice, the second baby, has trouble with her digestion, she had diarrhea and some vomiting, we feed her now every hour and yesterday she also was on IV drip. The little 780 Gram baby Jesse is now over the 1150 gram, he is doing well, but has trouble with his body temperature, he is very unstable. It asks a lot of work and commitment. Meri is training several of our Ugandan staff in the care of those very vulnerable children.
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