It is going fair with the two pre-mature baby's. They are gaining a bit and the diarrhoea from Eunice has stopped. However, we decided that we will feed Eunice also by NG tube, at least for some days, because she gets so exhausted from the drinking that all the energy that she gets, goes towards the drinking. Yesterday I went to the hospital for some ARV drugs and a nurse stopped me, she said that the mother of one of the two baby's was very critical. I decided to go and see if I could help and found that the mother just passed away minutes before I arrived. It was the mother of the second baby, Eunice. I wrote about her in my previous blog. Very sad, she leaves 6 children behind. I went back home, then when I was working in the office, I was called. The District Police commander was there to see our ministry. So I gave him and the Police officer from family affairs a tour through the house and explaining what we are doing. At the end they also came with a request for help. last night they got a tip that in the bus from Karamoja (district North of Soroti) were some children being brought to Kampala to work, so child trafficking. The police stopped the bus and took the children out. The children have to be brought back to Karamoja. If we could help. I went to the police station and saw the children, five girls and one boy. They looked miserable, I heard that they had not eaten the whole day. I went to buy them a meal and here you see them sitting in the corridor of the police station, eating their food. We helped with some money for fuel, to bring them back the next day.
Karamoja is very poor and dry, many children are being trafficked to Kampala, to work as house girls or to beg on the streets. there are people who just deceive the parents that they take the children to school or to a nice job, but then they let them work and cash their salaries. Those girls are mostly from the villages, have never been to a big town or city and many are lost in Kampala and never see their family again.
Today I checked on the Karamajong children and found they were more happy, smiling and were ready to be brought back. Then I got a telephone call from the hospital, the mother of Evalyn was going to be referred to Kampala, because of her heart condition. She really would like to see her baby before she left. baby Evalyn is doing well, so we wrapped her in and drove to the hospital.She was sitting in a wheelchair and was so happy to see her baby. You can see her on the picture, the grandmother, the mother, the sister and baby Evalyn. we could pray for her and told her that we would care for the baby, she should not worry, but try to get better, so she could come and take her baby home.

This is Joseph, he came to us when he was very sick, (see blog from May 15), we have been struggling with him. He has been sick with malaria and he is just so weak. But now it looked to go better. He is here eating his second plate Posho and Beans, the local food in Uganda. he is more happy and you can see him on the swing or a bit walking around with the other children. That is so encouraging, it is such a gentle boy, to see his eyes shining again, makes my day!
I'll end with this great picture of Nelson. You can read his story in the blogs of May 5 and May 9. His mother died shortly after he came with us. Nelson loves Posho and he is not so fond of beans. He eats with his whole face!!! He is such a happy boy, although he gives us extra work to clean him up after eating!!
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