Amecet n'ainapakin (Shelter of Peace) is a ministry of Youth With A Mission (YWAM)in Soroti, Uganda. We are reaching out to HIV infected and affected children. We also are caring for new born babies, who lost their mother after the delivery. The third group of children we help, are children who need a safe place, they mostly come via the police. In this blog we want to share with you our stories, our pictures, our needs and blessings!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

We lost the battle, Moses went HOME.

Moses passed away this afternoon at 4.30 pm.

Marije and I have been busy with him all day yesterday, also during the night we have been checking on him, giving IV injections etc. It was a bit too much for the people on night duty. This morning we took him to the doctor and halfway the day I went again to ask the doctor for advise. He was not doing well, after the joy of yesterday, seeing him breathing again, he was still struggling for life. His lungs suffered now from a broncho pneumonia. More medication was given, but in the afternoon it went worse. Dr. Engulu came again to check on him and just in those moments Moses passed away. We feel sad, empty and a bit frustrated. I called the father, not an easy thing to do, we got the bigger children together and we shared with them that Moses had gone to Jesus. Together we went to say goodbye and we prayed together. We got a small coffin and tomorrow morning we are going to bring the little body back to his family, to burry. This evening I spoke with the staff and several of them will come with us to bring Moses back to the village.  

Today we also received a new baby boy, three days old, his mother died after giving birth, and guess what his name is.......yes....Moses! So God wants us to go on and after a cry, dry the tears and care for the new Moses, He will take care of the first Moses.


  1. Wat een verhaal over baby Moses.Wat hebben jullie en Moses gevochten voor zijn leven.Marije belde ons en vertelde over Moses.

    Waarom dit kindje uit deze familie.

    Wij leven morgen met jullie mee.

    Cor en Wilma v.Leeuwen

  2. Heel veel sterkte voor jullie allemaal.... ik leef echt met jullie mee.

    Mirjam Loedeman

  3. Oh Els... ik huil met jullie mee en verwonder me met jullie over Gods wegen...
    Mijn gedachten en gebeden gaan ook uit naar de familie van kleine Moses.

  4. Na alle opluchting van gisteren, nu toch dit. Weet dat jullie alle liefde gegeven hebben!
