Amecet n'ainapakin (Shelter of Peace) is a ministry of Youth With A Mission (YWAM)in Soroti, Uganda. We are reaching out to HIV infected and affected children. We also are caring for new born babies, who lost their mother after the delivery. The third group of children we help, are children who need a safe place, they mostly come via the police. In this blog we want to share with you our stories, our pictures, our needs and blessings!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Metamorphosis in EIGHT days!!!

Eight days ago was Catherine brought into Amecet. You can read in the previous Blogs about the sad story of this little girl. 
Her own father and grandmother tried to starve her, they wanted to kill her.
The police is looking for the father, but he is on the run, the neighbours are begging us,  never to give the child back to her parents. The Probation office (child protection) is the one to decide over this. But for now she is with us and we see the life coming back into this little girl.
At first she only drank water (ORS) then we started with milk, and the next thing was porridge. In between every step there was vomiting, Catherine was not used to food any more.
Now we are offering her food and she takes it!! As you can see on the second picture, it is a bit of a mess, but she enjoys it and she smiles now!!
You can see the difference in those two pictures! They are only taken eight days apart. But it is such a big difference. 

This is so encouraging and I love this little girl!! She is so delicate and when I think where she went through and I see her smile, it gives me hope for all the other children!!

Next month we hope to celebrate her first birthday, and for sure it will be a CELEBRATION of LIFE!!!

Of course everything else went on, two new baby's came in and one baby went back home. On this picture you see the baby which was brought yesterday. His mother was a schoolgirl, only 18 years old, she died after the delivery because over excessive bleeding. He is drinking, no vomiting or diarrhoea, but they came when the baby was already 3 days old and he looks a bit dry, sunken fontanel, so I took him to the doctor. he is now on a IV drip, for some hours. But I think he will be fine after that. 
We are still waiting for the rain, some little drops fell today, but we have not had real rain.


  1. Oh wat fijn om te lezen van Catherine! Wat is het toch bijzonder dat je zoveel voor haar (en vele anderen) kunt betekenen. Ik kan me zo indenken dat je hier hoop en moed van krijgt (al heb ik totaal geen ervaring in dit werk).
    Ik heb het volgens mij al eens gezegd; maar ik vind het zo fijn om je weblog te volgen, elk verhaal lees ik met grote interesse en bewogenheid met jullie allemaal. Dankjewel daarvoor, en een hartelijke groet uit Zeeland, waar het de laatste dagen lijkt alsof de lente nu toch echt dichterbij gaat komen ;-)

  2. Hoi Els
    Wat een verhaal en wat een verschil in 8 dagen tijd. Fijn dat jullie haar dit kunnen geven. Geniet van de stralende glimlach. Maar ook confronterend om te lezen wat ze allemaal al heeft moeten meemaken in nog geen jaar tijd.
    Ook ik kijk elke morgen even op je blog of er nieuws is uut uhanda.
    Els we volgen je. Dikke hug voor de meiden en 1 extra van Lars voor Helen :)

    Groetjes Coby
