Today was a crazy day, I have been running around and I have the feeling that I didn't do that much! First I want to give you an update on Christine 1, who I asked prayer for yesterday. She had a good night, but slept a lot and very deep (due to the injections she was given) The temperature went up again, but the night duty staff have been monitoring her very well and it did not got very high. Today she was at first a bit confused, but by now she is doing well and is eating and drinking. I just had a talk with the doctor again, we don't know what caused the convulsions, we will have to keep a close eye on her. But God answered our prayers! Then Muya Val went to her new adoption mother. We are so happy that she will grow up in this lovely Christian family, the next thing is that Christine 2 was crying from the pain in her stomach, we tested her for malaria and she came out positive. we started her directly on the malaria treatment. But in the evening, her fever went very high.
Today we weighed baby Elisabeth again and her weight is 2.050 kg! I promised the staff that we will have soda's when she doubled her weight, from 1.1 kg to 2.2 kg, so I think we are very close to that!!! Then a new baby came today, a little baby boy, Job. He is one of a twin and his brother died after being born. Then shortly after Job was born, his mother started to bleed and nothing could be done, she passed away. This all happened yesterday. Job had not been fed since that time, except a bit of sugar water. He was cold and weak, his weight is 1.350 kg, so also a very small baby. We decided to take Elisabeth out of the incubator, since she is over the 2 kg. and we put Job in the incubator. Elisabeth stays still in the same room, away from the other children, till she is bigger.

Och Els...
ReplyDeleteFijn om een update van Christine 1 te lezen, ik ben blij dat het wat beter gaat, het raakte me zo om te lezen wat er met haar gebeurd was en wat dat bij de andere kinderen losmaakte... zo begrijpelijk.
Wat een lief klein Jobje. Ik hoop dat hij goed zal groeien!
Liefs, Sandra (die ook een tweeling heeft gekregen waarvan Job het heeft overleeft en Jonathan niet. Zo verdrietig dat Jobje zijn broertje én zijn moeder al moet missen.)
Aww...what a little boy.
ReplyDeleteWhen i read your blogs I wish i was there with help...
Fijn om te lezen dat het wat beter gaat..
ReplyDeletehet is zo mooi en fijn om te lezen hoe goed jullie daar voor al die mooie kinderen zorgen...
Good Work... Eefje