This is Yuben, on this picture he is only a couple of days old. He was born on 21/4/2009 in the main hospital in Soroti. His mother needed a Cesarean section, Yuben was born, but his mother didn't survive the operation. Yuben was brought to Amecet, if we could please help for some months. The mother has not been HIV+, so Yuben was also HIV-. He was a cute little baby, but we had struggled with him. He had a very bad skin condition, so dry that it kept on peeling off, he even got wounds with it. One time he was very sick, we had to go to the hospital with him for blood transfusion. He was sick alot in the first months of his life. he stayed in Amecet for almost 6 months, we wanted to be sure that he was stable, before giving him back to his family. The father came to visit regularly and he found a new wife, who was willing to look after Yuben.
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