We have two very small baby's, we are a bit worried about. On Feb. 2, I wrote about baby Mary, we got her from the hospital. She was 3 weeks old and her weight was only 1.8 kg. She did well at first, but now she started to get high fevers, some diarrhea. Another very little girl, her mother is HIV+ and very sick, too weak to feed her baby or to care for her. We have brought the little girl to the clinic for testing, but it takes some time to get the results. She is also not doing well and both little girls are on and off on IV fluids and IV medication. On the picture is Deborah, our nurse, connecting the IV fluids again for Pauline. In spite of the IV medication is there still fever...
It is quite busy at the moment, on Friday the Police brought a little girl of maybe 4 years, she was beaten up by her father. Bruises on her face, the father is on the run, the police is looking for him. The girl is now happy, she eats well and loves to play..
Also on Friday, one of the older boys, who was in Amecet before and is in our Harmony school, came very sick asking for help. We took him to the clinic next door, he was prescribed several medicines. But the boy was too weak to go home, so we gave him a bed, and today (Sunday) he is still with us, but he is doing better. He will probably go home tomorrow. Another bigger boy, who also has been in Amecet, came for his ARV medicines in the hospital. We always give him transport money, so we know that they come in time for new medicines. Many of those HIV+ children live with uncles and grandparents, when they have to come for their new medicines, there is not always transport money available for them. We don't want them to miss, so we refund their transport costs. The boy came for the money and went then to town to catch the vehicle, back to his village. But he missed it, they were already gone... So he came back and we gave him also a meal and a bed for the night, he left the next morning.

Yesterday Betty was brought. She has been in Amecet in 2016, went back to her family stable and healthy. Betty is HIV+, but with the ARV's she did well. Yesterday she was brought back by another organization, which works in her village. She lost a lot of weight and is now also on anti TB medication. So we will have her back for some time. She is 13 years old and her weight is 18 kg. Then today, Sunday, a small girl was brought from the village. She is 18 months old and her mother has a mental problem, she refused to feed the baby and wanted to kill her. There was an old lady, who took the baby to care for, but we heard that the lady was drinking a lot and the baby was not cared for. The authorities in the village got concerned and tried to get the relatives to care for her, but nobody wanted this little girl. So they asked our help. Her name is Rebecca and she is a sweet little girl. She is malnourished, but she likes to eat, so that is a very positive sign. We showered her, fed her and when we lay her in her bed to get some rest, she was not even crying. Most of the children do when they just arrive, everything is new and strange to them, but Rebecca was just laying there and she fell asleep. She is so sweet and cute!
There is a lot going on, please pray for us and all those precious little one's in our care.
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