Amecet n'ainapakin (Shelter of Peace) is a ministry of Youth With A Mission (YWAM)in Soroti, Uganda. We are reaching out to HIV infected and affected children. We also are caring for new born babies, who lost their mother after the delivery. The third group of children we help, are children who need a safe place, they mostly come via the police. In this blog we want to share with you our stories, our pictures, our needs and blessings!

Sunday, September 3, 2017

(almost) Full house....

 When we renovated and we ordered the new beds to be made, we made 20 small beds and 8 toddler's beds. We have 8 small beds in the first baby room, where we keep the smallest, just new born baby's. Then we have 12 small beds in the middle room, where the bigger baby's are sleeping. I never thought all those beds would be occupied at one time..... But it is.... This picture is from the middle room, and there are 12 baby's sleeping in them... In the room for the small baby's, we have one empty bed. And from the 8 beds in the toddler's room are 5 beds occupied. At the moment we have 19 baby's, 5 toddler's and 5 bigger children: that is 29 in total!!! I think it is the most we have had ever at one time..

This week Lazarus was picked by his auntie, he had stayed with us for 2,5 month. And he is a healthy cute, handsome looking boy!! His mother passes away after the delivery and now his auntie will take him in! We were happy to release him, back to his family, it also created a new place, but as one left, we got three new children in Amecet, this week. Two baby's of 1 and 3 months old. One of them lost her mother and the other one, his mother had a mental problem and the child was in danger. 

The third new child was a small, sad boy, he was brought by the Police on Saturday morning. He was found on Friday evening, abandoned in Soroti town, at around 10-11 pm. He spend that night in the Police station and the following morning they brought him to Amecet.His health is in a bad state, he is malnourished, has oedema and looks so sad. Who can leave a little boy like that in town, at night??

We also do have good news!! Look at those two little ladies, left is Jennifer and right is Maliamu. They were both really struggling with their health, they didn't want to eat, they were loosing weight and we almost were giving up. Jennifer has been long with us, we didn't know what to do or how to get her eating. The last thing we had left was a NG tube. So we put the tube in, what was a dramatic event for Jennifer. We started to give her special feeding by tube, next to the normal feeding by mouth. And it worked!!!! Her weight was today 21 kg!!! 6 weeks ago her weight was 14 kg..... Maliamu gained this week also 1,5 kg!! So the girls are our heroes today!!! We have some children due for going home, they are stable and ready for the village life. We do have problems sometimes, to give them back to their families, they often ask for extra time...but at this moment we do need empty beds again, in case new children will come....


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