Today it is world Aids day, It has become a tradition in Amecet to come together as the whole "Amecet Family" and we remember the children who have gone to Heaven in the last year. I find it always quite emotional, different people talk about the children and we light a candle for each of them. Every year we have children to remember, they were all like the Morning Glory flower, which only bloom for a day, but they are so beautiful..
These pictures are from different years we looked back on their lives and how we enjoyed them, even it was for a short time. Not every child died of HIV/AIDS, we include also the other children, sometimes they were premature babies, for who life was just too much..
Today we decided not to hold our gathering today, we are in the middle of moving back to Amecet Home and so much is going on. I felt that I wanted to honor the children who passed away and remember them on the right way, we always did, so we decided that we postponed this event to maybe next week, when we are back in Amecet and we can do it in the right way.
But I have been thinking a lot about it today, we see HIV/AIDS every day, we know the battles we have to fight, together with the children. We have lost many battles, but we also won many battles and many children are living a "normal" life, with taking medicines every day. We hear their stories about the stigma other people give them, we see their tears and sometimes we have no words... There are still many battles to fight, but if we can let them feel that they are special and that nobody should look down on them, that they can have a life like everybody else, we have won a lot. I have been thinking a lot today about two girls we lost this year: Norah and Amida, both because of HIV/AIDS. It really affected me and I was sad for several days, you can read the story of Norah in the blogs of March 19 and 20 and I wrote about Amida in the blog of June 22.
Dear Norah and Amida, we have not forgotten you, thank you for your smiles and your jokes! We will meet again.........
Norah's name still sounds fresh to me like she left me just yesterday. I will meet you in heaven.