Let me start with the news about Max!! We just weighed him and he is over 2 kg.!! He is stronger than before, but he has been still on oxygen until now. We tried to take him from the oxygen, but the saturation dropped so much, we had to put him back on the machine. He is on oral medicines and he drinks by him self! We see a change and we just have to be patient. Deborah, our nurse is holding him on the picture, she has been very good with the little man.
Then the renovation news.......
Tuesday evening, a team of 12 people arrived from Holland, they are very eager and ready to work! They brought tools and many other things, we feel so blessed! They know what to do and after orientation they started to work:

The electricity gets attention, the team brought ceiling ventilators for every room!!!
A lot of sanding has to be done, as you see in almost every room someone is working on something.....
Riemke has been with us in the past, helping with the babies, but now she is back to help with the sanding and the painting and the cleaning..... You can see on this picture a little bit how beautiful the floor wil be!!
If you look good at this picture, you can see the dust from the sanding coming out of windows.
And in the mean time one other man from the team is reparing our incubator in our office!!! The thermostat was not working anymore, so they brought as new one and fixing it!
We are all so excited about all the work that will be done, after 15 years of intensive use of the Home, it is so good that this is happening!! I will keep you informed via this blog....
wonderful news on Max and visiting team. Thanks for your hospitality recently. Tom and Barbara