Three men worked to get the floor out! There was a lot of noise and dust. I must say that it was a bit shocking to see our house like this...

After the floor was out they poured water on it. and that had to set for some time. The kitchen looks not good like this, it really needs a face lift..
Then the next thing was laying out the figures in the floor. This is the office, but in all the bedrooms they will make a star in different colors in the middle.
All the materials for the Terrazzo floor are on our veranda, the men are working hard and we are looking forward to the end result!
The floor that came out of the house is now put in the garden, when it rains it is always muddy, this should help. The furniture is stored under the car park, packed and protected against the rain.
But in the meantime the work with the children goes on.... We could re-settle some children before the renovation started, but we got already 5 new babies and two older girls. Sad stories, all the 5 babies lost their mother, there are two twin girls, who gave us worries in the beginning. They were very small (2.1 and 2.4 kg.) and they didn't want to drink, they were too weak. So we had to feed them by NG tube and after some days, they started to drink better. Another little girl came from a very difficult situation, the father murdered the mother and he is now in the police cells. The little girl will go to a relative, after some time. Another baby was born and the mother passed away during the birth. Now the relatives of the late mother and the father are quarreling about the baby.
Paska is a almost 6 year old girl who is severely malnourished, besides that she is also handicapped, she is blind and is not walking or talking. She is very noisy in crying and shouting.So there is a lot going on and we are still adjusting to the new home where we are at now, we are still looking for things we don't know where they were put, but it is going well and the staff is doing so great!! Please pray for the new children, especially for Paska, we would love to see a smile on her face!!!!
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