Right now, we have 16 baby's in our home, and then I mean BABY'S!!! On top of that we have toddlers and bigger children. Among those 16 baby's are 3 sets of twins!! We mostly put them together in one bed, for the bonding. Twins are mostly getting the same name in Teso, the first born is called Opio (boy) or Apio (girl) and the second born is called Ocen (boy) or Acen (girl).
This are Acen Evelyn and Opio Steven, we separated them when they got a bit bigger. They were constantly kicking each other and waking each other up. Evelyn and Steven came in Amecet when they were two days old. It was for their safety, their mother is mentally sick and she wanted to kill them. They are now almost 6 months old, we have been trying to resettle them in their family, with the grandparents, but it didn't work out, we took them back. But now, finally they are leaving tomorrow (if all goes well)! They are beautiful children, smiling and (baby)talk the whole day.
Then we have Apio Mary and Acen Betty, they are now almost 2,5 month old. Their mother died after giving birth. In the beginning they were very sickly and crying, but nowe they do very well. They will go back to their father and sibblings.
Last week we got our last twins, Opio Gabriel and Ocen John, they are only 4 days old, they are drinking wel and we have high hopes for them.
Last week we were asked to come and see a lady in the maternity ward in the hospital. The lady is expecting twins and is 8 months pregnant. The mother is very sick and they don't know if she will make it. She was referred to Mulago hospital in Kampala, maybe they have to induce labour to save the lives of the baby's. If the baby's are well enough to leave the hospital (after delevery) They will probably come to Amecet for some time. A very sad situation.
So we will have more twins!!!!
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