On Sunday I wrote how we got little baby Kave in Amecet. A very small little baby, whose mother passed away after giving birth. We decide yesterday to give her a NG tube, drinking is not easy for her, it cost her so much energy. Also her father came to visit her yesterday. That was good to talk with him, because on Sunday, when we met, he was so confused and in a shock. Kave had lost 100 gram, that is normal, that baby's loose a bit of weight after being born, that IS a big job, which takes a lot of energy. But Kave can not loose much more, that is why we gave the NG tube, to let her drink without using a lot of her resources.
Today, in the morning, Kave got some problems in her breathing. We checked her saturation and put her on oxygen. I called the pediatrician, if we could come and see her, without having to wait long. We could come right away. She examined her and prescribed treatment. When we came back in Amecet, Janneke went busy with trying to put a cannula in. That is not easy with such a small baby with very tiny veins.
And here she lays, very comfortable, with tube and IV cannula. It brings a lot of care and work, but we want to see her live! Every hour she gets some fluid in her veins, every 3 hours she gets feeding through her NG tube, every 6 hours she gets medication via the cannula, and then all the checks on her. The coming nights we have one nurse, sitting with her. We are so happy we have some volunteer nurses here at the moment, to help us taking care of Kave.
Please help us with your prayers, so we all join efforts to care for Kave.
Prayers going up for baby Kave. She is so Beautiful!!!