This afternoon Simon got a phone call from the police, if we could help????? They had a group children from South Sudan, who were stranded in Soroti...
A NGO had brought the group of children from Sudan to Soroti for education, they were put in a boarding school and after that the NGo disappearred. And never came back... The school kept them at first, but didn't want to feed them anymore, because there was no money left. They were brought to the police. The last four nights they slept outside under a big truck and they didn't have much food for the last two days. After a small meeting with our leaders, Simon went to the police to get them. It took some time, all the papers had to be filled, the police has already contact with the Sudanese Embassey to bring the children back to South Sudan. But the children needed a safe place to stay and some food in their tummy's.
This is just after their arrival, they are a bit scared, very quiet and unsure from where they are and what will happen to them. They are small, the ages are between 4 and 15.
First a good meal, Elias had been gone very fast to town, to buy some more rice and chicken, that was on our menu for today, the children enjoyed the meal very much. In the mean time, we got sheets, towels, soap, toothpaste and smearing oil together, we also looked for some clothes which would fit them.
The meal has helped the children to relax and when we started to sing after our meal, they happily joined us and we had a great time singing and praising God.
We organised rooms in our other house, Amun. Also two staff members are going to sleep there for the time that the children will be with us. In Amun home are already some staff sleeping, but we asigned some specific staff to the children. Hopefully they will organise their trip back to their family's fast. In the meantime they are safe!!
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