This is a picture I took this afternoon from Sabina, the baby I wrote about in the previous blog. She is very sick at this time. She had not been drinking well since she came, she is now 3 weeks old and her weight is 2.2 kg. She started to get diarrhea, so we went to the doctor on Sunday and she had to be put on Iv drip and IV antibiotics. Today we didn't like the way she looked, so we went to the pediatrician from the hospital. She told us to put her back on drip and change the IV medication. We did, but this afternoon the breathing changed, we had to put her on oxygen as well. I am so happy that Janneke is here, she is now in charge of the medical side of the children. Since I am not living at Amecet anymore she is really an answer to prayers. So I don't have to go in the night back to Amecet, she just called me, Sabina is a bit more comfortable, but is still in critical condition! Please pray for her, it is such a beautiful little girl! Pray also for Janneke, she is still settling in and then directly such a critical baby is not easy.
African baby's are so beautiful!! This is Emmanuel, he was born last night, but his mother started to bleed after the delivery and in a short moment, she passed away. Very sad, she was only 18 years old.
Emmanuel is brought to us, till the father has got a bit over his shock and the family knows who will care for this little boy.
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