Amecet n'ainapakin (Shelter of Peace) is a ministry of Youth With A Mission (YWAM)in Soroti, Uganda. We are reaching out to HIV infected and affected children. We also are caring for new born babies, who lost their mother after the delivery. The third group of children we help, are children who need a safe place, they mostly come via the police. In this blog we want to share with you our stories, our pictures, our needs and blessings!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Isaac is doing well in the village!

Today we went to Orungo for home vistits. We have several children in that area, who are HIV+ and have been in Amecet in the past. It is always good to see them again, we bring some food supplements for them and see how they are doing. Encouraging the family, most of the times the grandmothers look after them.
This is also with Isaac, whose picture you see at the left. He was in Amecet in 2008. A very sad story, the mother left the village in 2005 and came back in 2008, together with her baby (Isaac). She was very sick, AIDS, she died after 2 weeks, leaving her little and only child behind with the grandmother. The mother was only 22 years old. The baby was 1,5 years old, cried a lot and was always sick. The grandmother was desperate, didn't know what to do, sold her goats to pay the doctors where she took the baby.

We took Isaac to Amecet, where he stayed for 3 months. We tested and treated and Isaac gained 4 kg. But he was also HIV+. When we brought him back to his grandmother, we visited several times and we saw that the grandmother was really committed to him. We provided the grandmother with seeds, she received a cow (which is giving milk now) and last year she received a bull. The grandmother is a very nice lady and loves her grandson. Isaac is doing very well, as you can see on the picture here below. So this story has a happy end!!!


  1. Wat fijne dat het een happy end is. Het is zo leuk om te lezen, dat de grootmoeder zo liefdevol is en ook steun ontvangt. Geweldig dat het met grootmoeder en kleinzoon zo goed gaat.

  2. Oooch die Isaac, wat is dat een prachtig mannetje geworden Els. Ik herinner me hem nog zoooo goed....slapend , zittend aan tafel tijdens het eten. Hier doe je het toch allemaal voor, fijn dat hij zo'n lieve oma heeft.

    Groetjes Coby
