Everywhere in the world, people get Christmas packets, we also want to bless the grandma's who are caring for their HIV+ grandchildren. Our "packet" is more a drum this year, where they can store their drinking water. In the drum are lots of practical blessings: tea, sugar, posho, beans, sweets, cooking oil, 2 new bed sheets, a mosquito net, a basin, salt, soap, biscuits, rice and every grandma gets some money to buy meat on Christmas day. We are giving 52 drums and you can see the last ones under our tree in Amecet, waiting for the delivery in the village. When we packed the drums yesterday, we found that a snake had crawled under one of them, it was a dangerous one, one of our staff killed it. 

The people are very happy with the blessings, we have been bringing them around for the last couple of days, that takes hours, because the people live far and iso
lated. On the picture left, we just brought the drum to Maria Christine and her grandparents and on the right picture you see Naome with her grandmother, receiving the drum. The grandmother had been dancing from joy!!

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