Amecet n'ainapakin (Shelter of Peace) is a ministry of Youth With A Mission (YWAM)in Soroti, Uganda. We are reaching out to HIV infected and affected children. We also are caring for new born babies, who lost their mother after the delivery. The third group of children we help, are children who need a safe place, they mostly come via the police. In this blog we want to share with you our stories, our pictures, our needs and blessings!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

5 hours driving+3 hours waiting+15 minutes scan+ 30 minutes lunch= Mbale hospital visit

Thank you for your reactions on our last Blog, they are encouraging! The family was sad, but they appreciated what we had done for the little Moses.

Today had another challenge.... Christine 1 has been treated for toxoplasmosis twice before and again she had those same symptoms. The doctor requested a blood test, which we did and the test came out negative. Then the doctor requested us to go for a CT scan, which can't be done in Soroti, we had to go to Mbale, a town 2 hours drive from Soroti. We went today, and the scan was done.
Christine was a bit scared, but we told her that we would be seeing her and that nothing could happen to her, on the picture the doctor just administered the medicine IV and Marije is comforting Christine. She did very well, didn't move and the scan was done in less then 15 minutes, the waiting was 3 hours!!!After the scan we could wait for the report of the doctor, which we will then take back to the doctor in Soroti. He was very nice, and asked us to come in and explained to us what he felt was the cause. He couldn't see anything like a tumour or so, but that it is again toxoplasmosis.
 Christine was very fine as you see on this picture!!! We went on the way back to a restaurant to have lunch! In total we travelled for more than 5 hours and we waited for more than 3 hours!
At home I tried to look at the scan again, but it is difficult, tomorrow we will take the scan and the report to the doctor here in Soroti Hospital and see what he will say! I am glad that there is no evidence of a tumour!

1 comment:

  1. Hoi Els en alle anderen.
    Wat een verhaal van Mozes. Wat een blijdschap en daarna toch verdriet. Maar zie het niet als een verloren strijd. Jullie hebben enorm je best gedaan en er mag dankbaarheid zijn , dat jullie hem met jullie liefde hebben kunnen opvangen en verzorgen. Wat bijzonder dat jullie hem moesten loslaten,maar dat er dan ook weer een andere Mozes aan jullie liefde en zorg wordt toevertrouwd.

    Wat een reis zal het geweest zijn naar Mbale. Gelukkig goede berichten voor Christine. Zo wisselen, blijdschap, verdriet , opluchting enz zich in een rap tempo. Allerlei emoties voor jullie te verwerken....geniet morgen als je je vrije zaterdag hebt.
