We said goodbye today to two very special ladies from Norway!! They have been our oldest volunteers ever..... Randi (left) is 70 years old and Marit is 72 years old! And still they have a heart to serve and are not afraid to travel to a totally different culture and place! I am so impressed by these two ladies! They asked by email if they could come and help in Amecet, We had several communications and in November they arrived. English was not easy for them, but they tried and they kept trying to communicate with everybody, and the language of love is universal!!! They have been serving in Amecet, feeding baby's, cleaning out cupboards and holding children.
We had a small goodbye party, we prayed and sang for them and we covered them with bibs.....
We do welcome volunteers in Amecet. If you want to come and help us for some months, please email us. If you have a heart for children and want to serve them, you are welcome. We could use medical people, who want to come over and help for some time, very much!
Wow...wat een geweldig voorbeeld!!