Amecet n'ainapakin (Shelter of Peace) is a ministry of Youth With A Mission (YWAM)in Soroti, Uganda. We are reaching out to HIV infected and affected children. We also are caring for new born babies, who lost their mother after the delivery. The third group of children we help, are children who need a safe place, they mostly come via the police. In this blog we want to share with you our stories, our pictures, our needs and blessings!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


This morning, Barbara, Jose and I arrived at the hospital at 8.15. When we saw William, we noticed that he was gasping for air. We looked closely and we saw he was not responding. We heard from the brother that they had not given any IV medicines or fluids. William was in shock.... There was even a doctor writing at the same table where William was laying, she did not noticed anything... Barbara and I got into action. There was still a IV bottle from him hanging, we connected it and let the fluids going in fast. We asked for IV dextrose and we got 10 ml. which we gave also IV. We got a line with oxygen, which we put in his nose. We asked for his IV medication, which we got and we also gave him. I was angry, scared and so sad, because I saw that we would loose the battle, he was too weak to come out of this shock.
The surgeon came to check on him, he looked at the wound,it was good, he even had pooped a little, so we could start with some oral feeding, he said, but he also saw the setback in his condition and told us to see what happened. 
 Barbara and I stayed at William's side hoping, praying and crying at times, the father and the brother were around, they were also very sad and scared about his condition. We were holding the oxygen into his noose and looked at his laboring breathing. This poor little man, he didn't react on touch or anything, he even didn't want his special dummy!!
The doctor's did their round and then they came to us, we were in the emergency area (kind of an intensive care unit, where children are on oxygen) The senior doctor said that William was critical and gave all kind or orders to the other doctors, who started to work on William. It was kind of  a joke that the doctor who refused to help at 8.15 am was among the ones who were ordered to work on William. They tried and left us, William was dying, they came back and tried again, more IV fluid, adrenaline IV, etc. but then they didn't hear his heart beat anymore, William was gone. All in all we were very upset about how things were done, I put the blankets around William and we took him back to Amecet, his father and brother came with us. There we dressed him and Simon went for a coffin. It was with pain, that we laid him in his coffin, so small and so thin, I think he was less than 2 I was confused and angry, after all those weeks of intensive care, he just died like this..
We brought him back to his village, where the family started to gather. he has many brothers, who all looked the same, I guess he would have been like them, when he would have grown up. We carried the little coffin inside the hut, where people would sit around him and grieve.
Tomorrow they will bury him, and he will be laid to rest next to his mother........


  1. Dit is zo erg....ik zit hier zelf te huilen. Ik had zoveel hoop dat het goed zou komen met William.....Wat moet dit vreselijk moeilijk zijn voor jullie. Heel veel sterkte, liefs en een dikke knuffel voor al jullie liefdeswerk.

  2. echt dit kan toch niet mogelijk zijn , wat een verschrikking ! Ik huil terwijl ik dit typ. Els wat hebben jij en je team je best gedaan. Dat onze kleine man bij onze Vader mag zijn.
    Liesbeth landveld
