Baby Sam was vomiting every time after drinking, We took him for a abdominal scan and they send us to the surgeon, because there was something not right at the stomach, where the pyloric is. The drinking went a bit better, the vomiting was less, but it was still there a bit. The surgeon looked at the scan and the baby and said, let' s do a X-ray with barium. So we called the doctor who does that the best, but he was in Kampala and he told us to come Sunday morning at 10. Mary and I went together with the very hungry baby Sam. He had to drink barium, with a strawberry flavor, he liked it!! Then the X-rays were taken, laying and hanging!! After looking at the X-rays, the doctor told us that it was good, he does not need to be operated!!! We were happy!!!!
We went back to Amecet and checked on Gorreti, who was not well when we left. We decided to take her also to the clinic (another one) for good blood tests and to see the doctor.

Gorreti is 3 months old, she came to Amecet 6 weeks ago, her weight was 1.4 kg. (6 weeks old)!! She was doing well at first and gained up till 2.2 kg. But then she got sick (last week) we took her to the doctor, she was put on medication, but it doesn't seem to help her. She is dehydrated and she lost weight. I am worried about her, It is only a couple of days since Pauline died....... So we did several blood tests and the doctor examined her. There is an infection, because there is some fever as well. He changed her medication and right now she is on drip, to get some fluids in her. She is so frail and so small......

There came also a new child on Thursday. His name is Eliya. It is such a sad story, he comes from another district, not so close to Soroti. The Probation officer from that district requested our help. The mother of the 2,5 year old baby boy got a mental problem. She tried to throw the baby into the pit latrine (local toilet) and also tried to strangle him. She also tried to strangle her mother, who helped her caring for the baby. They asked for help to care for the malnourished baby. There were wounds in his neck and he looked miserable. We took him in Amecet and the next day, we went with him to the clinic for tests and examinations. There the HIV tests came out positive. We went with him straight to the hospital, because since some weeks, they can do the DNA test for children at high risk, and they have the result in 2 hours!! With Pauline it was not yet possible, we could do that test only after Pauline was 6 weeks old and then we had to wait 2-3 weeks for the result. Now with Eliya, we got the results 2 hours later and yes he is HIV positive. They gave us ARV medicines for him, so he is now already on the ARV's, we saved a lot of time in the process. It was a lot of running around, but it is worth to do, the children are so vulnerable and depending on us. We are honored to stand in the gab for them. Please help us to pray for Gorreti and Eliya.
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