Amecet n'ainapakin (Shelter of Peace) is a ministry of Youth With A Mission (YWAM)in Soroti, Uganda. We are reaching out to HIV infected and affected children. We also are caring for new born babies, who lost their mother after the delivery. The third group of children we help, are children who need a safe place, they mostly come via the police. In this blog we want to share with you our stories, our pictures, our needs and blessings!

Monday, July 29, 2013

We all need a HOME where we belong, don't we??

Today we went, together with the Probation officer, to inspect a home where one of our children might be getting adopted. On July 9 I wrote a blog about Miriam, a little two old year girl, coming from a very painful home, where the boyfriend of the mother beat her all the time. Miriam is doing very well, she is still scared for guys, but we can see her starting to play, to talk and she is laughing a lot, and she loves to dance when we sing together after the meal. Last week a family came to hear if they could adopt her, this family lives not in Soroti and heard from one of the families in their clan, who adopted the twin Augustin and William (read the blog of May 27 2013). We talked with them and send them to the Probation office (child protection) There they also had an interview and got forms to fill. The home had to be inspected, so today we went.
This is the home, Simon and Amos (the probation officer) looked at things like: how is the home, is it clean, where do they sleep, where do they cook, is there  a pit latrine, a bathing shelter. Do they have animals, do they have food, how do they store their food, and their water. 
The family was not aware that we would come today, so we got a good picture of their situation. On this picture Amos is asking the mother if there is a health facility nearby and how far the school is from the home. We had a nice visit and we all liked the home and also the lady (the husband was not around today)! After our visit, we wanted to take the opportunity to check on the twins, who were adopted in the same clan and live nearby.
 And this is the home where the twins went, 2 months ago! It was so nice to see them, we also came unexpectedly, so we also got a good picture in that home. Augustine and William were doing well, they looked clean and well dressed, but they had forgotten us! That was also good to see, they really had bonded with their new family and they were loved and cared for. 
I had taken Catherine along, since the twins had been her friends, they were open to her, but not to us. At the end Simon was able to get them near and they had a nice reunion. This was such a good afternoon, I am so happy that those two little boys have gotten a HOME! If you read the blog about them, you will be rejoicing with me! Ands we also have good hopes for Mirriam, the family has to work it out with the Probation Office and get a care order from Soroti Court, but also Mirriam will get a loving HOME! Where she can feel safe and secure, we all need a place like that!

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