It is quite busy in Amecet. We have three new children, it started yesterday, on Sunday. We are not open then for people to come for milk money and porridge flour etc. but of course we work.
At around 2 pm two ladies and a little child came at our door. We talked with them, they were send by the feeding centre in the hospital. They were so full, if we could help? The child was called Lois and was 1 year and 5 months old, her weight is 5,8 kg. The mother was only 18 years old she became pregnant when she was still in primary school and had to stop going to school. The boy, the father of Lois, took off when he heard that she was pregnant. But the mother of the girl had mercy on her and helped her. The girl is now in a schooling programme from an organisation and she can finish at least her primary school. Lois is very malnourished and very weak, we checked her and she is HIV negative!!! That is a very good start. She has been sick a lot, so we are going to try to get her eating better and stronger. On this picture she is waiting for her food, she likes to eat, so I hope we will see her smiling and playing soon!!

Today someone came with Norah at our door. Norah is 13 years old and her weight is 24 kg. She is HIV+, but not yet on ARV's. The person who brought her, works with an other organisation and met her, deep in the village. He felt pity for her, she is only in P2, because of a lot of sickness. He went to her home and talked with her grandmother (both of her parents have died of AIDS). He got permission to come with her to Soroti and there he took her for CD4 test, the results were very low, so he came to us for help. We took her in and I went straight with her to or HIV Clinic in the hospital. She was seen and directly started on ARV's. She is a happy girl, and she loves the dolls we have. Her skin condition is very bad, I also saw terrible scars on her body of Herpes Zoster (shingles or in Dutch: gordelroos) she must have had awful pain while she had those infections. But she is so thankful and happy, she was enjoying the meal so much! The grandmother will be brought to us, so we can hear the full story, but Norah is already helped.

While I was still in the hospital with Norah, a baby was brought to us by his father and grandmother. The little boy is called Abraham and he is already three weeks old. The baby was born with a Cesarean and after two weeks the mother developed an septic infection, she was brought back to the hospital, where she got blood transfusion, but she died 2 days later, she was only 33 years old. The father came to ask us for help, because he found it difficult to look after the little baby for now. We will take him for two months, in that time we hope the father is ready to receive him back.

So our home is getting more full again, but it was a busy day, we also had several children going for checkup for malaria, because there was some fever. Also every new child we take directly to the clinic next to us, to be checked. After a busy day what can you do better than praising the Lord? After supper we always sing together and it is so nice to see the children clapping and singing and some, who are a bit strong, dancing. The little ones are sitting on the ground, looking and clapping, even Norah was joining in! And then.........potty time, medicine time, milk and......bedtime!!!
The staff on night duty will take care of them and tomorrow, there will be another day!!!!
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