The clinic is a big room, at one side the pregnant ladies are
waiting for their turn to be checked and at the other side all the mothers with little baby's are waiting for the immunization.
If we come in, all eyes are on us. Look at those Muzungu's (that is how they call white people) What are they doing when the baby starts to cry?? How are they handling the baby's. It is amusing to see their reaction on how we bottle feed the baby's. Some of them have never seen that, the good thing in Uganda is that breastfeeding is the number 1 feeding for your child. But in our case is that a bit difficult, so we give them a bottle. When I come I already weighed the baby and filled the card, so they always help us first. The mothers know that we help "their" children and they do not mind. In all those years that I come there with baby's I have build many relationships with the nurses. That also helps.
Our baby's behaved very well (they even hardly cried!), I hope there will not be a lot of crying and fever for the night duty person, tonight!
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