We celebrated together the birth of Christ, starting with a celebration on Christmas eve, at 10.30 pm on our veranda. We sang together some Christmas songs, read the story about the birth of Jesus and then Ton shared a beautiful story with us, together with very nice illustration via PowerPoint. For the children it was exciting to be out so late and we had a good time together. On Christmas day we had a meal as a family. We had asked the children what would they want to eat and they all said " goat!", so goat it would be.
We had only the half of our team working, but everything went so relax and smooth. Elias bought the goat on the market and he stayed (alive) with us in the garden for 2 days. Then Simon and Elias slaughtered it, under the observing eyes of the children and the camera of Ton! We ate the goat for Christmas and it tasted wonderful.
We have not had much sickness these days, some malaria, some tonsillitis, but no serious things and I am so thankful to God that He gave us a break. We didn't get new babies or children in, there was a phone call from someone in the village about a four month old baby, whose mother had passed away from AIDS, but nobody came with the child.
Yesterday we went with all the older girls to town. We wanted to surprise them as a appreciation for their BIG help in Amecet. And we wanted them to all choose a material and we asked the tailor to come and measure them for making them each an outfit. They were very exciting and they all found a nice material. The tailor brought pictures from outfits and this morning they were all looking and making their choice! It is so nice to see their happiness and their excitement about getting new clothes. When the clothes are ready, I promise to make pictures and show them to you!